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Dend. Anuja


Dendrobium rare

How to care new roots in Phalaenopsis?


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Date: 30/12/2009

The new roots in Phalaenopsis can emerge below the leaves or in between the leaves. These roots eventually replace the old roots.

Its is advised to repot the plant cutting off the old roots in fresh medium. Remove the air pockets by pushing the medium between the roots after potting.

Make sure that the new roots are also burried in the medium. This is to avoid the new roots hanging in the air and thus receiving less water or nutrients due to no contact with the medium.

We need to remember that Phals do not have psedobulbs and hence doesn't have water storage mechanism in itself. The medium provides constant supply of water and nutrients.


Phal roots

Photo: Root care of phalaenopsis. This is not a perfect illustration but all the roots should be burried in the medium to provide a constant contact with water and nutrients.